and stop the cause for the disease, and finally society has greatly advanced ancient times.
Moving on, as a nation we are prepared for a zombie apocalypse as we have since as a nation have access to over 13,000 aircrafts, 8,000 tanks, and of course hundreds of thousands of firearms. Now people may ask what are guns going to do to a practically undead human being who can’t feel pain. Well in “How to survive zombies” it had stated that “Firearms make excellent zombie deterrents” just as long as you aim for the head of course. This alone shows that these firearms will be one of the greatest assets during this zombie apocalypse, and may or may not just be what may allow us to survive. Now, also people can also argue that not everyone has a gun and even if everyone did, what if we run out of bullets. Well during times of war since WWII companies all over the nation have been known to help in production in items such as guns, bullets, even some aircrafts. Even if everyone didn’t have firearms our military has over 1 million people registered in the army reserves, including active soldiers, so it would be very unlikely that we wouldn’t have some sort of protection. But that still brings the question of how will these tanks and aircrafts supposed to help us survive the zombie apocalypse. Well, these tanks and aircrafts cannot only act as great defenses against the zombies, but also have access to many more weapons that are much more powerful than a mere bullet. If you're still not convinced, in “How to survive Zombies” it stated that “Zombies are slow and dimwitted”, this shows that zombies will have a hard time keeping up with tanks that can go at speeds on average of up to 45 mph, even if theses zombies were able to keep they are still dimwitted, so even then they would have a hard time getting through the tank. Anyway, if a zombie can’t keep up with a tank how are they able to keep up with an aircraft that can go on average 550 mph at top speed. So yes we would be able to survive the zombie apocalypse as we have many different means to protect ourselves.
Furthermore, we have organizations like the CDC that are ready at all times to stop an outbreak like the zombie apocalypse. For example in the events of the zombie apocalypse “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse” states that the CDC will “Determine the cause of the illness, source of infection/virus/toxin, learn how the disease is transmitted and how readily it spreads, and how to break the cycle of infection”. This means that the CDC would potentially stop the disease before it becomes both a national and out of hand problem. Also even during the events of the 2014-15 ebola outbreak when the CDC found that one person had been infected with the disease they did not waste anytime and immediately jumped into action to help cure this infected person, and find the cause of the infection, and were mostly successful in curing every documented case of the disease. In fact when a nurse ( Nina Pham) got infected with the disease while dealing with one of the infected patients the CDC not only made her their main priority but also cured her making her on one of the only ebola survivors in the world because the CDC and other organizations like it were able to make experimental drugs that completely cured her of the disease and are now used today in cases of ebola around the world. This not only shows the CDC would find a cure for the zombie outbreak, but also make it their utmost priority making the possibility for a cure a much higher chance.
Finally, society as we know it has greatly advanced and would therefore be able to survive the zombie apocalypse.
But wait how has society advanced since then? In the article “Mayans Destroyed by Zombies” by Zombie Research Society” they had said that “At its height (250-900 AD), the Mayan Empire was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world.” Yet it somehow just disappeared and because of lack of remains and how few remains even found that the bones had been violently ripped from their sockets, suggests that the they may have of of just disappeared because of zombies. And because they are considered one of the greatest if not the greatest economically advanced societies of their time people assume we wouldn’t be able to survive, but what they forget is that was over a thousand years ago. In fact form of medicine was rituals where a shaman of the region or part of the city would come and chant around the person and a form of bloodletting which was when they would cut themselves and let themselves bleed. This was thought to of cured the person, which today sounds crazy but because it was so long ago this was thought to of cured the person, now however I won't deny there were some herbal remedies but most were not as effective compared to modern day medicine. This shows that society has in fact grown since those times as today's medicine completely outclasses the mayans in every way. Also our weapons have grown since those times as today weapons such as rifles, pistols, assault rifles, even crowbars all shown in “How to survive Zombies were shown to the mayans back then they would of thought they were the works of the gods as to them these weapons seem almost magically but to us they seem normal in modern day society (Normal as in they are not absurd in the the way that they can’t exist).So yes as a society we have
We as a society have advanced greatly since the times of many ancient civilizations like the Mayans, as today we have many different resources that weren't available in the past like firearms, airplanes, tanks. We also have organizations like the CDC, the CIA, FBI that could help in ending the zombie apocalypse, finding a cure, helping those already infected. Now many people may disagree as what are mere doctors supposed to do to a hoard of zombies. Well in source B it had stated that the zombie infection could spread through bodily fluid contact saliva or even contact with blood or contact with previously infected victims. Now, what if I told you that all of these possible transmissions were the same exact ways ebola is transmitted, and just in case you don't know in the last five years multiple cures have been found for ebola and even in 2014 about 48% of the estimated 9366 documented cases have been cured. That is the highest cure rate for the disease the world has well ever seen for the disease. So saying that mere doctors (CDC Doctors) won't be able to do anything against the zombie outbreak is an utter understatement. So yes as a society we are more than likely able to survive the possible Zombie apocalypse. But just remember that no one really knows if we are to survive such an event, so if this does happen anytime soon don't take it lightly.