We will ask the child to tell us how far an object is from another object, using wooden blocks.
2. Compare distance
We will ask the child to measure the distance between a third object and the first one. Then, we will ask which one was closer to the first object, the second or the third.
3. Submit results of a vote in a graph
We will show the child a bar chart showing the group class voting of their favorite animal. We will ask the child to tell us which animal has won the vote.
4. Problem solving
Show the child 3 bears of different colors (blue, red, and yellow) sitting on the table side by side. See if the student can solve the following riddle: Look, here there are three friends who are named Peter, John and Joseph (or Laura, Alyssa, and Katie, if the student is a female). But I can not tell you which one is which one. You have to guess this and answer a question. I will give you a clue: Peter is in the middle of John and Joseph. What color is Peter?
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Problem solving (more advance)
There are now four bears of different colors (blue, red, orange, and yellow) sitting on the table side by side. Peter, John, Joseph, and Anthony (or Laura, Alyssa, Katie, and Kierstan, for female students) . Peter is located on the far left (pointing it with hand). Anthony on the far right (pointing it with hand as well). John is not sitting beside Peter. What color is