Causes of Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
This has been found to be one of the most common causes of drug addiction, especially in the teens. The term 'prescription drug abuse', is plainly defined as a condition wherein, the prescribed medicine is not used in a way the doctor recommends the patient to. Meaning, the person takes higher doses of the drugs and even if his/her illness is cured. The drugs which are common in this cases include all types of pain killers, drugs for anxiety or sleep disorders, and drugs for triggering stimulant activities. It has been found that most teenagers use these prescription drugs with a thought that these are safer than using illicit drugs. …show more content…
Absence of Communication
One of the potent causes of alcohol and drug abuse among teenagers is a space that creeps in communication, probably from the parents' side.
Most teens may have this notion that their parents might not care about them abusing the drugs. So this stresses on the importance of communication between parents and children. It is most likely that, knowing about the specific dangers and health concerns of drug abuse, would help teenagers to avoid the habit. So, work with your kids and look for some real information in the form of statistics and medical explanation about the side effects of drug
Continuing this data on drug abuse among teenagers, it comes to parental supervision which can either save teenagers from getting into the grips of drug abuse or saving them from it. Parents must give importance to the fact that their children are still in their teens. This happens to be an age, where they stay the most vulnerable to get involved in all the undesirable things in their lives. Get involved in your kids' life and let them know that you are interested in what they do and when they do. If you are one of those parents who just let their kids do whatever they please, then you may be providing your children with a fine opportunity to get exposed to drugs. It is most likely that your kids might not appreciate the fact that you are trying to interfere too much in their lives. However, it is also true that, if you do so, your kids would be the ones to thank you later in their lives, when they achieve a matured level of understanding about all the repercussions of drug abuse. So don't be too stringent about nor too aloof from your kids' life.
Easily Available
The fact remains that teenagers get to learn most of the things from their parents. As a parent, if you are throwing a party where alcohol is served, then your kids would take it as a clear cue or message, that you have no objection to drinking alcohol. This is where, you stand to be the main offender for encouraging your kids to get vulnerable for drug abuse. Also, most parents unknowingly let their kids have access to alcohol, cigarettes, and even prescription medications, when they are not at home. Even in this way, teenagers may used this carelessness of their parents as an opportunity to at least try using all such stuffs.
Stress Causing Factors
Broken relationships, issues in the family, stress caused due to peer pressure, studies load, etc., are some of the common factors which trigger stress in teenagers' life. These may also be the causes which drive them to resort to the use of drugs.
So, these were some of the potent causes of drug abuse among teenagers. As far as the treatment is considered, if measures are taken at an early stage, then the condition may be well curbed before it gets worse any further. Otherwise, drug abuse rehabilitation is known to be an effective tool for the treatment. And talking about the drug abuse prevention, the most important job lies in the interest of parents. If they can reduce the opportunities their kids get themselves into, then there is no other better way to keep the condition at bay.