When one thinks of leadership the first thing that enters there mine is Mentoring. Having the power and the ability to guide, motivate and lead others in any given task are concrete attributes of a good leader. When one or all of these does not happen there is probably a good sign of lack of leadership.
Bosses are often accused of not motivation their workers. They assume that if a person is hired for a job they should perform their job and the motivation should come from the fact that they are receiving a paycheck. This could be deemed as a true statement if the company does not believe in promoting a team environment. When a boss, director, group leader or who ever is put in to a leadership position does not motivate their subordinate there is usually a lack in performance. People enjoy working for leaders with good motivational skills. Motivation skills discover what people are capable of doing and how well they can do it, plus encourage them to strive to do more while taking pride in what they have done. All leaders have to make decision. Once a leader demonstrate poor decision making skills it is extremely hard to be effective. This leader will find it very hard to get people to trust his or her