c i m o t
n r e d o
Teacher: Mr. Silver
y r eo
Presentation By Sai Nikhil and group What is Modern Atomic Theory?
Atomic theory is the scientific theory of the nature of matter. The theory states that matter is made up of small particles called atoms. Prior to this theory, matter was thought to be able to be divided into any small quantity. The word atom is derived from the Greek atoms, meaning indivisible. The Contributors
• John Dalton.
• Earnest Rutherford.
• J. J. Thomson.
• Albert Einstein.
• Neils Bohr.
• Robert Millikan.
• Democritus.
• James Chadwick.
Democritus was born in Abdera, Thrace around
460 BC. His exact contributions are difficult to disentangle from those of his mentor Leucippus, as they are often mentioned together in texts. Their speculation on atoms, taken from Leucippus, bears a passing and partial resemblance to the nineteenthcentury understanding of atomic structure that has led some to regard Democritus as more of a scientist than other Greek philosophers; however, their ideas rested on very different bases. Largely ignored in ancient Athens,
John Dalton
Chemist John Dalton was born September 6,
1766, in Eaglesfield, England. In 1803 he revealed the concept of Dalton’s Law of Partial
Pressures. Also in the 1800s, he was the first scientist to explain the behavior of atoms in terms of the measurement of weight. Dalton died July 26, 1844 in Manchester, England.
Earnest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford known as the father of nuclear physics developed the theory for the structure of the atom. He used a gold foil experiment, observing the scattering of alpha particles, and demonstrated for the first time the existence of the atomic nucleus.
J. J. Thomson
In 1897, Thomson showed that cathode rays were composed of a previously unknown negatively charged particle, and thus he is credited with the discovery and identification of the electron; and, in a broader sense, with the discovery of the first subatomic particle.