In “shootings”, Adam Gopnik speaks about a shooting that took place in Virginia Tech Engineering building, and how the parents of the victims were told that it was not the right moment to ask questions. Gopnik also gives his points of view on how the shooting could have been avoided. Gopnik suggests that the main reason why these types of incidents keep happening in the United States is because there is a lack of security and requirements on who should not be able to buy a gun. The government should do what others countries are doing, and Gopnik’s example, is the massacre that happened in Paris Suborn of Nanterre in 2002, when a man killed eight people at a municipal meeting. Gun control became a key issue in the presidential…
A natural disaster places an immense amount of strain on our civilian population as well as the political leaders who are responsible for their state’s overall well-being. Hurricane Katrina was a perfect example of how bad a natural disaster can affect a single state. Louisiana was in a state of emergency and the state elected officials held all the power to assist in the palm of their hands. At the time of this state’s crises, Governor Kathleen Blanco was charged with this responsibility. Each state’s governor has the authority to enact Posse Comitatus. Whenever they feel that their state is in an unruly state and Marshall Law is needed. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 outlines the right of states, which can affect the wellbeing of citizens.…
The Virginia Plan, drafted by James Madison and proposed at the Constitutional Convention by Edmund Randolph, was to install a national government with a bicameral legislature and was to be comprised by representative that held seats, in the new congress, in proportion to each states population. After the delegates at convention accepted the Virginia Plan as a basis to build on the national government, debate quickly arose against the share of distributed legislative power the northern states would have over the southern states to make national policy. This was due to the northern states having much larger populations than those of the south, but since the southern states had amassed a large number of slaves, it was believed that the southern representation in congress should also include the slave population. The northern states were opposed to this idea given that slaves were generally…
In this article Charles Blow discoursed how fear is winning from American people. He started off a quote from president speech about last shooting event in Oregon Community College. The president mentioned how shooting become routine and said “my response here at this podium ends up being routine and we grow numb. The author also discussed the tension between republican and democratic on gun control. On other side Jeb Bush resisted calls for gun control and said “were in a difficult time in our country and I don’t think more government is necessarily the answer to this. I believe gun control is very significant since every other month we see people dying in the hand of gun man who is upset with unknown thing taking the lives of others.…
In section 2339B of AEDPA, the definition of “material support” is mentioned and/or created (Sutherland 237). When Congress passed the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevent Act of 2004, both acts successfully broadened the definition of “material support” (Sutherland 237-238). Under the Material Support law, one risks going to prison for 15 years if he provides any of the following to an FTO: providing personnel service, advice, training, intangible or tangible property and communication (Price, Rubenstein and Price 3). This law does not differentiate between people who intend to support a groups’ illegal activity and those who do not…
“We might have accomplished something if we have been able to treat the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in a way similar to how we treat the damage on the nation's highways-by implementing practices and requirements that are directly related to results (as in the case of speed limit, safety belts, and the like, which took decades to accomplish in the cause of auto safety)-rather than by throwing the nation into a near panic and using the resulting fears to justify expensive but not necessarily effective or even relevant measures.”…
There were prominent warning signs even according to the shooter’s poetry professor Nikki Giovanni that caused her and her students fear to be around Cho (Roberts). When the first shooting occured campus authoritys gave no more thought into it other than it being a small domestic incident, leaving them to believe the gunman had left campus. A student Brant Martel felt that, “they were a little slow on their response.” (Questions…). Even a day after the shooting people like Kenneth Trump of National School and Safety Services acknowledge that there needed to be a plan implimented to deal with crisis situations like this one (Questions…). Students were disappointed of the lack of attention to the first shooting and the emails that were sent 2 hours later during the rest of the shootings (NBC). Since the shootings that happened in 2007, about two thirds of four year colleges with 2500 students have been supplied with dedicated police officers and security guards according to the Departmant of Justice (Rich). The Virginia Tech campus shootings changed the landscape of security on school campuses by forcing campuses to implement active shooter drills. text alerts for students,…
The Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) program promotes preparedness by identifying lessons learned and innovative practices, analyzing recurring trends, and sharing knowledge with the whole community. The numerous daring and sacrificial demonstrations of firefighters, flight chaperons, colleagues, passers-by and volunteers demonstrated that Americans are liberal with their valor and that saints are all around us. Complacency in the lodge amid a terrorist endeavor is no more an alternative. Whether it is Osama receptacle Laden, Timothy McVeigh, or a female suicide plane, terrorism has numerous countenances,…
In the Active shooter presentation, we went over what reality would be like if we had to encounter a shooter at our school. The officer showed live clips, had a power point presentation, and talked about how to deal with the situation. This set students into the realization that a shooting could happen anywhere, at anytime. It’s a matter that should be taken serious. This subject is something that most people tend to overlook. In the presentation, the live reenactment videos really showed us how easy it is for a shooter to get in, and how hard it is for the victim to get out.…
The Department of Homeland Security has faced many challenges from the beginning of operation. One, of many challenges, is leadership. The Department of Homeland Security consist of many high ranking officials, whom all have different opinions and views. At times, the differences of opinions can lead to disagreements and a lack of cooperation needed to implement an achievable national strategy. There are multiple agencies involved with Homeland Security, but they all have the same goal in mind and that is to protect us Americans and the American soil. Their need to be one approval authority to have the final voice to initiate a strategy within the DHS. This way we all can have a solid plan to be better proactive and reactive when facing a natural…
Imagine you are enjoying lunch at school, you're by your friends talking about how your day is going. It is as normal as any day at school, but little do you know that it would soon become the scariest day of your life. Just five short minutes before you are dismissed to fourth hour you hear two loud booms echo across the cafeteria. Everyone looks at eachother, confusion covering their face like a thick blanket. More books are sounded, and everyone soon realizes that the sounds are indeed gunshots. Everyone scatters, and soon, an announcement is sounded. “Attention all teachers, we are now in lockdown mode, I repeat, we are now in lockdown mode.” Students run through the hallways, desperately trying to find an exit. Students run into the gym. Students run outside into the cold air. You hear the gunshots booming behind you as you run; you hear blazing sirens approaching from the street. Soon, everyone is evacuated and the police take down the shooter, but the amount of people hurt is still unknown. Gun laws should be stricter because guns can be easily accessible, they can be dangerous, and violence can be easily prevented.…
Every year that passes there is yet another tragic story of how a beloved child has fallen victim to a school shooting. These horror stories many times have no explanation as to why the school shooting has occurred, leaving us in shellshock. Since the columbine shooting on April 20th, 1999 when thirteen people lost their lives, some due to religious belief, there have been thirty-one school shootings. This is a staggering number of shootings that have resulted in a death toll of 162 victims – not including the Oklahoma City bombing. Thompson tell us that the “school system is trying to prevent school shootings but what they are doing is simply not enough. School shootings have become more deadly and the effort of the schools seems to not have any effect.” (Thompson par. 7) In fact, most people have no idea exactly what the school system is doing to try and stop these school shootings. If the people don’t know what is being done, than there is a good chance that the school system is doing very little to nothing at all.…
After the attacks on Paris not so long ago, top officials with the New York Police Department held a drill to test how the city would respond to an attack like the one in Paris and found out that they had a problem. Three days after the attacks on Paris, the New York police went on an “offense and defense” strategy in response to the terrorism threats. “The story of how the new unit, known as the Critical Response Command, came into being traces the history of the city’s evolving approach to terrorism, from the creation of the counterterrorism and intelligence divisions in the months after the attacks of 2001, to 2004, when the Police Department began pulling precinct officers into counterterrorism details, to the aftermath of the 2008 Mumbai…
More security measures at school, colleges and public places: This can be achieved by educating about security measures, maintaining high alert surveillance in the schools, colleges, public places in the community. More personnel can be trained with special trainings to tackle such issues and to be prepared for any such emergency responses with adequate communication system and coordination. The citizen’s gains out of this since with tight security, it would be difficult for those violent plans to take place. However, a disadvantage is that such trainings or surveillance cannot be maintained at such a large scale all over the country at a very fast pace and would need time. Also, the monitoring can be bypassed and cannot assure complete safety.…
In (JTATG) there are three sentences that stand out at the beginning and they are “The president wants still tougher gun control legislation and thinks it will work” ( Wilson). “ The public supports more gun control laws but suspects they will not work” (Wilson). “The public Is right” (Wilson). In the article it states that there are around 200 million firearms in private ownership and that around one-third of them are handguns.] For example, while it is true that the number of shooting rampages has increased in recent years, the rate of violent crimes and homicides for both Blacks and Whites (including those committed with firearms) has decreased significantly over the same period, despite the tremendous increase in the number of firearms in the U.S., according to both the FBI Uniform Crime Reports and the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Miguel A. Faria…