Over the years school shootings have affected many lives all over the world. Witness of a school
shooting can have emotional, psychological, and physical effects. In United States alone there
have been 142 school shootings since 2013. What can we do to prevent school shootings? The
first thing they need to do is strengthen gun laws. Only people who are mentally stable and have
a good reason should only be allowed to own a gun. All gun owners should attend a mandatory
training; locking up your gun, loading and unloading safely, storing bullets separately and
practices that make gun ownership safer. As parents we wonder how safe our kids in school are
and what measures and precautions schools are taking to keep our kids safe and secure. …show more content…
Communication between the parent and student is crucial to prevent violence and avoid
In United States, every time a school suffers a violent tragedy, armed forces and
schools are forced to investigate and find out ways to prevent any other incident from happening
again. This means taking a closer look at school safety measures and methods school staff and
emergency staff can use to help school improve school safety. In a way every school incident of
violence teaches us how to be better prepare ourselves to save lives. As a mother of a teenager
who currently attends middle school, I worry about my son safety every day. But with God help
and trust in our school security to keep our kids safe, I’m able to relax and have
Keywords: safety, students, parents, measures, shootings, and gun control