Submitted by
Vaqas Jawed-B025
Karunya Reddy-B048
Afaan Ullah Khan-B056
| Primo Benzina AG-Case Study | |
Submitted by
Vaqas Jawed-B025
Karunya Reddy-B048
Afaan Ullah Khan-B056
What are the key elements of Primo Benzina’s business strategy? What are the implications of this strategy for its financial performance?
There are broadly 2 major market policies which have impact on the firm’s profitability and growth, namely financial market policies and product market strategies as shown in the Figure 1.
Figure 1: Factors affecting growth strategies of a firm
The firm can alter their Financing decisions in order to manage their liabilities and equity. They can also decide the payout ratio for the shareholder which in turn has a direct impact on the growth rate of a firm.
Similarly a firm can also work upon their product market strategies where in the operating management helps to manage their revenue abilities. Firm can also manage its investments in order to maintain required working capital.
The company’s strategy had several important elements: 1. The company provided outstanding service form its station attendants, who provided a range of services a. Filling petrol b. Checking tire pressure and oil levels c. Cleaning customers windows d. Laundry services
This helped the company in retaining its customers and hence staff identified the customers and provided them the special services they expected. 2. Spotlessly clean service stations, well lit,