a non-profit organization promoting “eye care for all"
Primary Eye Care and Training Manual
reaching out to people and programs near and far to promote healthy eyes and clear vision for all
Interprofessional Fostering of Ophthalmic Care for Underserved Sectors
a non-profit organization promoting “eye care for all"
Named “Outstanding Project 1998” by the
American Public Health Association
Vision Care Section
Member of World Health Organization
Partnership Committee of Non-governmental
Organizations dedicated to the Prevention of Blindness
Dr. Ian Berger
19728 Saums Rd., PMB #136
Houston, Texas 77084
Ph: 281 398 7525
Fax: 281 398 7428
Email: info@infocusonline.org
Website: www.infocusonline.org
Ms. Diane Baker
Dr. Ian B. Berger
Ms. Mary Dipboye
Ms. Del Garcia
Dr. Simon Gould
Ms. Diana Grigsby
Dr. Jean-Paul Heldt
Ms. Jillian Hopewell
Dr. Ravi Kankaria
Ms. Barbara Kazdan
Dr. Christoph Lengwiler
Dr. Valerian Lyimo
Dr. Patrick McColloster
Dr. Kavita Mistry
Ms. Vasu Mistry
Dr. Nghiem Pham
Ms. Jan Rueb
Ms. Victoria Sheffield
Dr. Larry Spitzberg
Dr. Scott Swann
Dr. Jerry Vincent
And the students of the
University of Houston
College of Optometry
Overall objective of this training seminar is to:
Promote a high standard of practice for all engaged in primary eye care, especially for non-eye care professionals and volunteers working with medically underserved and economically disadvantaged populations
“Primary Eye Care Training and Reference Manual”
Introduction ..............................................................................................1
Module 1
Eye Anatomy, Functions & Common Sight
Problems ................................................................................................5
Anatomy of the Eye