First things first, what is multiculturalism? Multiculturalism is diversity of two or more culture in some region or country. Canada was the first country to declare multiculturalism as official approach. It is a procedure for engaging diversity as different yet equivalent. Multiculturalism guarantees that all citizens can keep their identities, can take pride in their ancestry and have a sense of belonging. Acceptance gives people a feeling of security and assurance which will be making them more open to and tolerating of diverse cultures. All Canadians are guaranteed equality under the eye of the law and equality of opportunity no matter of their origins. Canada’s laws and policies perceive Canada’s diversity by race, cultural legacy, …show more content…
ethnicity, religion and ancestry all men and women complete freedom of belief and opinion. Multiculturalism organized to maintain the cultural freedom of people and offer recognition to the diverse racial category to Canadian society.
For Canadians, multiculturalism is more than just a policy for dealing with immigration.
First of all, Canada is not ethnically based, but is a nation of immigrants. For the minority groups who live in Canada usually felt like outsiders in Canada but official multiculturalism had provided a real sense of belonging for them. Like hockey, multiculturalism has become a symbol of what defines Canada. It promotes diversity, keeps us open-minded and provides an opportunity for different cultures to learn and work with each other to create a stronger whole. Multiculturalism in Canada was more than just a government arrangement, it was a way of belonging for many residents in
Not all Canadians were in favour of the new policy. Some people believe that multiculturalism questions the clear ethnic cultures. Critics of multiculturalism may argue that taking in different ethnic and cultural groups to a single national identity will cause conflicts. It destroys culture just as it destroys social unity. Culture is social unity, a sense of common purpose. There is still a controversy whether multiculturalism is good or damaging seeing that there is strong points on each side of opinion.
In conclusion, the original plan of the Multiculturalism Act was to recognize the minor groups in Canada’s society. This act was not just a policy made by the government but is symbolically important to Canadian citizens. Even though the majority of Canadians believe this act was indeed useful and valued, there still are Canadians who don't think multiculturalism brings residents together, but farther apart.