The lowest level of social responsibility is best describes the Interface Company’s current operations. There are no tradeoff between social responsibility and profit. Just usually it does pay for gain more. Always consider how to get maximal profit. How company to be profitable from the economic activities that always putting on the top issue. And do not care about other organization’s social responsibility. Such as obey laws and regulations by legal, abide by principles of right and wrong at an ethical.
In the annual meeting, though not usually at a loss for words, but I was had trouble that answer customers questions about the dangers of the materials and processes used by my company. They doggedly persistent but I was hesitant because I know facts of truth that must do not acceptable as publics.
For the Interface Company’s current operations definitely be profitable by economic. As to our carpet product material is petroleum-based material and consumed that bring bad effect which is greenhouse gases emitted. Of course carpet is not recyclable that made by this type of materials. And the old carpet is dumped in a landfill. Here's to see how unethical, using raw materials from the earth that mean to plunder the Earth's limited resources. And company do not for environmental protection contribute towards, but to produce non-recyclable products, even waste of land resources and then to landfill waste. You know the Earth's resources are shared by everyone, also requires common protection. On the other hand, Interface generates of dollars in revenue each year, but, in the manufacturing process, it extracts over 1 billion pounds of raw materials from the earth. That showing usually it does pay for try to gain more. However seem do not reach the aims efficaciously, even easily to be reported potential ethics violations caused by undermine ecological environment in the earth surface layer. During the excavation of raw materials, will destroy the