Task A
Reflective Guide for Social Care Workers What is reflective practice?
This is a way of studying or analysing your own experiences so that you can make improvements on the way you approach your day to day work. It is about examining the work or duties you carry out on a daily basis and identifying areas that require additional support and development. It is also a way of recognising those things that you do very well and sharing this knowledge and also ensuring that you approach all other duties with the same enthusiasm. Reflective practice can also involve thinking about an event after it happens, critically evaluating your actions and making adjustments if necessary. Why is reflective practice important?
Reflective practice is important so that you can provide the best possible service for those you support on a day to day basis. It also helps you to grow professionally and personally by identifying training or personal development needs. The nature of work in the sector also requires a fresh approach and attitude to problems and situations because you will be supporting individuals, and this is only possible with reflective practice. It also very good practice to reflect on your daily work as this makes you more competent. Reflective practice is also important for personal development planning. How reflective practice contributes to improving the quality of service provision
When you as an individual reflect on your work, the way you approach your work and the way you deliver a service, you make small or big changes that make the services overall better. Imagine all your work colleagues taking the same process of thinking about their work and identifying ways they could have approached situations or critically evaluating their work? Collectively as a team the Service Provider, in this case the Organisation you work for will have better services that meet the needs