There are many definitions of coaching, however the ones that I think sum up coaching best are:
“A process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place”
Eric Parsloe, The Manager as Coach and Mentor (1999)
And is a flexible process
“whereby an individual, through direct discussion and guided activity, helps a colleague to learn to solve a problem or to do a task better than would be otherwise the case”
D. Megginson and T. Boydell, A Manager’s guide to Coaching (1979)
I believe that the purpose of coaching is to help the person that you are coaching to unlock their own potential and help them gain maximum benefit from their own performance. This process enables an individual, through questioning and discussion to solve a specific problem, gain insight into their own capabilities and possibly assist them to transfer learning skills into their workplace to help improve their performance at work.
Section A.C. 1.2 Define Mentoring and its purpose
The role of mentor is slightly different to that of a coach, as it is a way of passing on information to another person, where you are the one showing them what to do in a particular situation.
The definition that I think sums up mentoring best is “has its origins in the concept of apprenticeship, when a more experienced employee passed down their knowledge of how a task was done and how to operate in the commercial world”
John Whitmore, Coaching for Performance, 4th edition 2009
I believe that the purpose of a mentor is to ask questions and challenge the person being mentored, but at the same time to provide the person with guidance and encouragement. An example of this in my workplace would be when we
References: Parslow, Eric The Manager as Coach and Mentor, 2nd edition, CIPD publishing, London,1999 Megginson, D. and Boydell, T. A Manager’s guide to Coaching, CIPD publishing London, 1979 Whitmore, John Coaching for performance, 4th edition, Nicholas Brearly publishing London, 2009