The word "mentor" comes from the The Odyssey, written by the Greek poet Homer. As Odysseus (Ulysses" in the Latin translation) is preparing to go to fight the Trojan war, he realises he is leaving behind his one and only heir, Telemachus. Since Telemachus is only of primary school age, and since wars tended to drag on for many years, Odysseus recognises that Telemachus needs to be coached on how to be king whilst he is off fighting. He engages a family friend named Mentor to be his sons tutor. Mentor is both wise and sensitive-two important ingredients of world class ment. (Chip R. Bell 1998)
Mentoring is a process whereby one person acts as a counsellor and friend to another, usually to support them as they enter an organisation. “ off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking” Clutterbuck,D & Megginson (1999)p3
The mentor teacher has the greatest influence on the development of the learner as a teaching professional. This responsibility is a highly significant one. The knowledge, time, and involvement that is required to make this experience a valuable one for teachers, coaches and mentors is much appreciated by the educational organisation collaboration. Providing a climate for open and honest discussion, questions, and concerns will create an environment for professional growth and reflection in which both mentor and educational organisation can thrive.
The role of the mentor teacher is to teach the candidate what is known about how to teach, coach the candidate so that their skills can be developed in a supportive environment that promotes risk-taking, and provide opportunities for the intern to reflect on the many aspects of the teaching and learning process. By encouraging the intern to analyse his/her own progress and to identify problems and possible solutions, the transfer into the role of decision maker in his or her own classroom will be more