- Kids thinking before they drink and drive because of the strict laws
- Parents educating their friends and family from past innocents
- Makes people more cautious
- Killing or injuring an innocent person
- Die from a car accident …show more content…
As texting and driving now leads to more deaths than drinking. Texting and driving doesn't ruin your career and your life. So rather than making punishment any more harsh for drinking, I believe the real concern should be focused on something that now takes more lives per year than drinking.
Drunk driving is a primary cause of fatalities on the road, and any measures should be taken to stop it. Alcohol abuse takes more lives every year than any other controlled substance, legal or illegal. The funds used to prosecute other drugs should be halted and used to enforce more stringent alcohol rehabilitation programs. Alcohol should be taxed more heavily to pay for these programs, as well. Over 10,000 people are killed every year by drunk drivers, and many more are injured. This needs to stop.
the mission or purposes of MADD as stated in its Articles of Incorporation were “To aid the victims of crimes performed by individuals driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, to aid the families of such victims and to increase public awareness of the problem of drinking and drugged