Mr. Head
Civics 1
November 11, 2013
Position Paper
Pro keeping Nuclear Weapons Should the United States keep and maintain nuclear weapons today? Yes, because without nuclear weapons we would not be able to have the protection we have today since the threat of nuclear war. Which the odds of that happing are very slim since these weapons of mass destruction cause so much damage, but if the U.S where to get rid of the nuclear weapons today that would leave a huge vulnerability slot for us since the other countries would very well keep their nuclear weapons and use them against us. Therefore the United States should keep their nuclear weapons and continue to maintain them just in case of a serious threat required use one. “Everyone in the world is threatened by the existence of nuclear weapons. Has anyone the right to wield such destructive power?” (Morality of Nuclear Deterrent) Many people in the United States disagree on whether the United States should keep nuclear weapons. Mainly because of the moral factor. Yes, it is dangerous for countries to own such a powerful figure that threatens millions of people around the world, but the world is trapped by this idea of possible idea of nuclear war that just about every country has on these weapons of mass destruction and will continue to make more to show dominance over the other countries who don’t have as much. The moral factor that is sure to be constantly brought up by many people about keeping our nuclear weapons will always be discussed since the greater damage these weapons cause. For example, when the United Stated bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yes it was tactically right decision and prevented imperialism from expanding, and preventing the cause of japan gaining complete dominance over the world had to be overlooked when coming into the moral play off of the all the people who were affected by this disaster to their country. These cities where quite larger, but not to big so there where about 210,000 people killed on the instant of the bomb dropping and later about 50,000 more from the after effects of the dropping of the bomb.(Children of the Atomic Bomb) these numbers are even staggering now since that is a massive amount of people dying at once. This is the moral question part of nuclear weapons. People don’t want to keep weapons since they can completely destroy every human and every objects in its way, except Twinkies (ha-ha little joke there for you Mr. Head) The morality of a man who can give and order to drop such a weapon to obliterate many people is such a topic to be discussed since it was either them or us and the men leading the country at the do know they would have no hesitation taking over our country since that is what there intensions was to do in the first place. “We Can't Bring Ourselves to Say Dead Japs is a Good Thing, so We'll Just Praise the Bomb!” (Diana Steele) This quote right here shows the view of an American citizen during the time of the nuclear bombing and them alone feel bad for what has happened to the Japanese, but the war is over and so all they want to praise is the bomb since it’s the reason why the war is over. The Americans at the time where all for the bomb. It worked and knew it had power, but as time went on people began to realize that the horrors of the bombs where threating since America was not the only one with nuclear weapons at hand. This posed a threat to American citizens since they were afraid America was going to get bombed since by then we were entering the cold war. Many other countries started to develop the nuclear weapons and so know we end up where we are today. Many countries have nuclear are in a tangle threw both sides of the world. Theses American citizen views many believe that we should get rid of our nuclear weapons since many of them believe that other countries will notice this and began to remove theirs, but this is not the case. These other countries will continue to use them as a threat and maybe go farther lengths since we won’t have any and we are not the favored country of the world. “It's Alive! Now, give it to everyone” (Diana Steele) nuclear weapons are everywhere and the fact of the matter is we should keep them. We should have them to keep the United States safe and protected against threats that could cause massive amounts of damage to the U.S. Whether or not its morally wrong, doesn’t mean we are using them we have them to keep us safe because the fact is it’s just a game between countries and who can create the most. Whoever has more has the dominance over the other countries. There will always be the debate on whether we should keep them or not for example form from an anonymous debater his idea in his own words says, “The main reason is its potential for harm and destruction, given the fact that effects are disease and death. If a state nukes another, then the state bomb will explode, thereby setting a chain reaction of explosion till nothing remains.”(Anonymous, These people disagree and should get rid of the bomb since there is deterrent for it anymore in war. But another view on why we should keep the bomb is exactly what I said earlier about us losing the dominate power. From the very same exact play, the other side of the debate by a man call the IronWaffle, “Fighting back If we were to abolish all of our nuclear programs it only takes one rouge country like North Korea or Pakistan to launch some at us and eliminate us or any other country. Also once we would disarm them other countries like China and Russia would be watching us closer than ever before. If even 1 is launched at us we are screwed.” This man is pro keeping them and has the right idea because these other power countries will take advantage of us getting rid of nuclear. But then there are the people who believe getting rid of nuclear weapons will bring world peace and everything will be happy and in love but the reality in that is bull. “No they shouldn't. Nuclear weapons are the main reason we haven't had a world war 3, and no other major war since 1945. Many people think that nukes will be the end of the world, and it makes sense why they would think that, but if we destroyed our nuclear weapons, do you really think that Afghanistan, and other foreign countries that are itching for power really would?” (anonymous) as said well by this man who decides to keep his identity sealed by says that keeping our weapons prevents world war 3 since no one wants that disaster of getting rid of theirs, But like also like the third world countries they are itching for dominance since in their views if you don’t follow their religion you should die, but anyways having us keep our nuclear weapons is a safe protocol to take in keeping our country safe since again they do pose as a threating move to other countries. As of right know we have 7,700 nuclear war heads as said by global zero anti-nuclear weapons group. That is by far the most of any country in the world. Nuclear weapons are very powerful and could destroy the entire world many times over. Now that that power exists then we as humans crave it because naturally we crave power. So, nuclear weapons will never be gone if it's up to humans to decided. I believe that being humans, as we are, we have no idea how to handle such great power, and it scares the U.S and its people to think that we possess this. But now that it is here it is here to stay, the only way to go is forward. We need to get more understanding of such power and we need to humble ourselves before using such great influence. But not everyone is a humble person and when it comes to the mass of many, they tend to act on emotion and excitement rather than deep thought. Also stated, “Nuclear weapons provide a major advantage in a conflict, even without using them. Granted, in most situations, the advantage is one-sided and could be regarded as completely unfair, but there's still no sense in handicapping oneself. Whether nuclear weapons are abolished or not, there will still be countries or organizations that would aspire to, and eventually succeed in, making them. And to be weaker for the sake of an arbitrary agreement is entirely irresponsible. We can't count on the entire world to truly agree on anything. (Burginger, In conclusion there are the advantages and disadvantages when having nuclear missiles, but as stated above there are much more affective reasons to keep nuclear missiles in the United States that way we are protected and still have a sense of power against the other countries who are looking for dominance in the world. We are posed by threats every day and without the U.S keeping their nuclear weapons we are out of security and cannot thrive as a country because we will be in even more constant fear of getting attacked by another foreign country.