The biggest danger of sexual acts and prostitution is the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STD?s) such as HIV/AIDS, syphilis, Gonorrhea, hepatitis, herpes, genital warts, etc. A common belief is that prostitution facilitates the spread of these diseases because it puts customers and prostitutes alike at risk of contracting these dangers from one another. In the same essence, the porn industry is at the same risk, but the only difference is that the porn industry is controlled and has health regulations (Gill). The sexy woman at the end of the bar downing drinks as if it were water, that college students stereotypically ?hook? up with by the end of the night, holds more dangers then a legalized prostitute (Gill). Why you may ask? A legalized prostitute would be subjected to no less then two weekly health exams and would be less likely to engage in unprotected sex because of the fact that her
The biggest danger of sexual acts and prostitution is the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STD?s) such as HIV/AIDS, syphilis, Gonorrhea, hepatitis, herpes, genital warts, etc. A common belief is that prostitution facilitates the spread of these diseases because it puts customers and prostitutes alike at risk of contracting these dangers from one another. In the same essence, the porn industry is at the same risk, but the only difference is that the porn industry is controlled and has health regulations (Gill). The sexy woman at the end of the bar downing drinks as if it were water, that college students stereotypically ?hook? up with by the end of the night, holds more dangers then a legalized prostitute (Gill). Why you may ask? A legalized prostitute would be subjected to no less then two weekly health exams and would be less likely to engage in unprotected sex because of the fact that her