7) Of 1003 people who came into a blood bank to give blood, 284 people had high blood pressure. Estimate the probability that the next person who comes in to give blood will have high blood pressure.…
When we have objective data on the probability of an event, we are involved with decision making under conditions of risk.…
The r value for the relationship between Hamstring strength index 60o and the Shuttle run test is -0.149. This r value shows a weak correlation between the two variables, as it is less than the 0.3 threshold for significance. Therefore, the r value is not significant.…
6. Can ANOVA be used to test proposed relationships or predicted correlations between variables in a single group? Provide rationale for your answer.…
There are several different ways that statistics and probability could be used in the real world. You could see this used in the horse races, the lottery, certain things in the stock market, also in marketing in a corporation.…
Statistics plays a big role in making big business decisions because businesses need to be able to create their business based off what would be able to bring them the most business based off what their customers are looking for. For example, my first job that I had working at a fast food restaurant while I was still in high school, and the manager would have to gather all our sales data to determine how our schedule will be for the following week. Another example of how statistics are used in business is when companies are looking to release a new product. They need to be able to analyze the needed information to then determine what would be the right sales price, product labeling, and when it would be the right time to release their new product as well. There are a lot of different types of statistics that are used all the time in all different types of business fields and many people really don’t realize it. Like when a business decides to make their store hours based off what will be able to meet the needs of their customers and be available during those…
1. The researchers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at what level of measurement?…
e.) Evidence is not enough at 5% significance level to determine if the mean cost per ounce is different.…
The statistic would be the percentage of drivers which is (75%) of those having uncorrected vision problems in the sample of 460 drivers studied. The parameter that is estimated would be the population…
1. Age, income, length of labor, return to work and number of hours working per week…
A free media is needed to shed light on matters that may otherwise be known only to a small number of government insiders with technical knowledge.…
Statistics involves the development of methods and tests that are used to quantitatively define the variability inherent in data, the probability of certain outcomes, and the error and uncertainty associated with those outcomes. Some statistics are biased, some are based on opinions, and some are fabricated.…
An exam consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. Each question has five possible answers and all questions carry equal weight. Mary has not studied for the exam and will be picking her answers at random. What is the probability that Mary will get a score of at least 30% on this exam? n=20, p=0.20 P(X≥6) (0.30)(20)=6 Distribution Plot…
According to the definition, "statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data." - (From wikipedia.com) Nowadays, statistical data is a very important and useful source of knowledge. Today you can find statistics everywhere: in business, psychology, sports, health, law, etc. Knowing how to use and interpret statistical data and understanding of its origins can be a very helpful tool that helps us to deal with everyday informational attacks. But statistics can also mislead us and distort our understanding of reality. The purpose of this essay is to deduce some of the possible ways in which statistical data can be used and misused in different areas of knowledge.…
5) Probability can be fun and challenging (See Monty Carlo Paradox)Statistics are sets of mathematical equations that are used to analyze what is happening in the world around us. You've heard that today we live in the Information Age where we understand a great deal about the world around us. Much of this information was determined mathematically by using statistics. When used correctly, statistics tell us any trends in what happened in the past and can be useful in predicting what may happen in the future.…