Rich Picture for the Age Care Charity
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Key Act ors, Key Issues and Conf lict s of Age Care
As a result of developing our rich picture, in our rich picture, the key actors are centre manager, assistance manager, administrative support staf f , lead worker, administrator, local volunteers, f ull time staf f , inf ormation quality of f icer, trustees, director of central administration, f inance of f icer, elderly people, education coordinator, project leader (GreenDrive project) and chief executive of f icer. Doctors, hospital clinics, local government agency, charitable, donation and individual are outside the Age Care boundary. In our rich picture, there are 15 centres and there are a centre manager and an assistance manager of each centre. Centre manager and assistance manager control and manage the project. And there are administrative support staf f s who support to centre manager and assistance manager. And the project of Age Care starts if it has f unds f or two years. Centre manager wants to manage their own f inance. Centre manager thinks why we need to develop the management inf ormation system. And centre manager uses MS Excel and it is convenience f or him/her. So, centre manager don't welcome to develop management inf ormation system. And assistance manager thinks of running of centre and other projects. An assistance manager concentrates on project and centre. T hese two manage the project. Administrative support staf f s provide assistance to any of project. T hey always support the centre manager and