The hotel has been in service for over 100 years and the age and constant 24 hour heavy use of all services water and electrical has taking its toll on the building and infrastructure. We currently keep getting in to very awkward situations with hot water and heating pipe leaks. There are many old and corroded pipes effected by electrolysis and also shut-off valves that are near impossible to operate when needed. On top of this issue, bearing in mind the above information, when there is a leaking pipe apart which causes damage to property like room furniture, carpet etc. because we can’t operate most of the shut-off valves we need to drain the whole hotel’s water system just to repair the one leaking pipe/fitting. This leaves the hotel rooms (guests), kitchens, restaurants and toilets with no hot water and heating for 4-8 hours, which eventually affects the business in loss of revenue.
We used the fish bone (cause and effect) diagram to help us see the scale of the problem.
And to illustrate the issues here are photos and costs of the one-off repairs before we found the solution:
The below pictures and invoices are from a hot water pipe leak serving 26 bedrooms and was inaccessible to repair cause of it location.
2.1/2.2 As the building is old and big we hired a specialist pipe fitting team and together we have surveyed the whole water pipe system starting from bottom(boiler plant room) to the top of the building(main loop services). Each main service pipe and valve was identified and labelled. Then held a project meeting to discuss why, how and when we will be able to fix the issues. We identified 3 possible solutions,
a) Replace the whole water pipe system from top to bottom.
b) A possible fix that will ease future repairs on leaks.
c) Leave as is and repair when a leak occurs.
Solution A will involve a lot of planning, costs and closing down of hotel because of