our health, safety and voice in government that we benefit from today. During the Progressive Movement, the Federal Government passed a wide range of legislation to cut inefficiencies, stop corruption and help protect the health and well-being of American citizens.
Prohibition, which prohibited the sale of alcohol was an attempt to improve personal behavior. As a result of Upton Sinclair’s book, “The Jungle” there were inspections of the meatpacking plants of Chicago and ultimately brought on the implementation of several reform bills on how products are produced and packaged. In 1906, two bills were passed to protect consumers: The Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. The Pure Food and Drug Act required that companies to accurately label the ingredients contained in processed food items and on pharmaceuticals. The Meat Inspection Act provided coral to can regulations and inspections and had the added bonus of ensuring European markets that America’s meat was not tainted. The railroads needed regulation to control corruption and ??. The Elkins Act and the Hepburn Act brought the railroads into line by outlawing the use of rebates and free rail passes. The Federal Trade Act and Clayton Antitrust Act curtailed unfair business practices and curtailed monopolies and the Federal Trade Commission
Progressives wanted the people’s voice to be heard at all levels of government and promoted several changes on the State level to give citizens a voice that could be heard at the ballot box. The initiative which gave citizens the right to introduce a law, the referendum which allowed for laws to be voted on by the people and recall which allowed for ?? along with the Australian ballot which provided for private all gave the people a stronger voice.
Local government did not miss the eye of the Progressive Movement and they were as commited to making changes at the local level as they were at the State and Federal level. Making governement more efficent and eliminating poltical corruption was a goal of the Progressive Movement. They argued against the strong mayor/weak council system to have it replaced with a strong council which would more adequately represent the people. By sharing power across multiple council members, the mayor did not have all the power. There were many improvements which made living safer and healtheir such as expanded police and firefighting forces and a sanitation system which included sewers for waste removal.