Omotosho Fatimah Olamide Department of Economics, University of Lagos
The development of indigenous manpower to serve as the propelling force for national growth and development is no doubt a key to Nigeria’s socioeconomic and political development. Manpower utilization could be defined as “the existence of skilled and /or unskilled humans that need training or re-training to perform specific task in society”. Thus, manpower development could be seen as organizational specific. This is because it is largely a function of organizational manpower needed or job specification. That is, it could be viewed as the adaptation of the human resources available in the country to the needs, objectives and orientation of a given organization.
There are organizational tools that can be used to achieve manpower development. The first method an organization has to adapt towards achieving this goal is by ensuring that a new employee is given the best orientation of his/her job functions and environment. This method is an integral part of recruitment exercise in that once an employee has been appointed, it is expected that that such an employee need to be positively oriented in line with the vision and aspiration of the organization for effective discharge of function. Other effective tools are on-the-job training, apprenticeship and vestibule training methods. This is a process through which knowledge and experience are acquired over time either formally or informally. On-the –job could take different forms such as coaching, job-rotation, in-house training and in-service training. Apprenticeship method involves acquisition of skills through extensive practice for over a period of time by the trainee .Under vestibule training method, the trainee practices his skill with identical equipment that
References: H.S. Parnes: “Manpower Analysis in Educational Planning” [in: H.S. Parnes ‘ Planning Education for Economic and Social Development’, Paris O.E.C.D 1964, pp73-80] G.M. Meier, “Leading issues in Economic Development”, 3rd ed, Oxford 1976, pp.532-3 Lawal MM 2006. Manpower Management: A Hand book for Personnel Managers and Students of Administration.