Proc 5000
Due: 08/29/2008
Question # 1
Within the content of the evolution of Purchasing & Supply Mgt. From a transaction based (i.e. clerical/mechanical) function to one that is strategic based (i.e. proactive/world class) in the private sector, how has the emergence of a strategic focus affected the propagation & implementation of the 5 Major Developments (as stated in the textbook) in the area of Purchasing and Supply Management? In addition, how has this strategic focus influenced the interaction & collaboration of Purchasing & Supply Mgt, with other departments of the organization (e. g. Finance, Legal, Human Resources, Marketing, Manufacturing, Logistics, Engineering & Quality) and with its external supplies and customers?
The role of Strategic Focus has revolutionized the business world in every aspect including and not least important in the realm of Purchasing and Supply Management. The clerical days of old are long gone and have been replaced with vastly more efficient, modern behaviors that better propagate and implement or spread and execute commerce via WCSM. Instead of traditional clerical roles where goods and services were purchased and sold from an adversarial viewpoint, alliances where all parties win are fast becoming the norm. Building coalitions between the producer and supplier make much more sense for all parties than the former example of “survival of the fittest”. The 5 major developments in Strategic Focus have been instrumental in this. Cross-Functional Teams for example which tend to be improvised panels of inter and intra-related personnel are assembled to meet specific stated objectives such as product development or negotiations on the terms and conditions of a purchase agreement are a key player in the drive to this end. Individual teams can facilitate excellence in business through; materials review, specification development, decisions