Products are clearly laid out across the screen with various different links to specified clothes that a customer may want. There are two main sections for women and men and it will direct u to their selections for both genders and is very simplified and easy to use. Everything is very simple and there are three colours used (white, red and black) primarily white showing it is plain which relates to their plain and casual style they are aiming for and makes the customer feel at ease.
Uniqlo’s known for simple clothing at a high standard. Everyone needs simple clothes and they will always have buyers for simple plain clothes that everyone will need. There online highlights there usp by the plain colours and plain outlook of the site which reinforces there casual brand. They use models such as Orlando bloom who is a well known movie star to model their clothes and are on the forefront of their sight. This makes people more likely to like their products and highlights there plain brand as a high quality brand that people can afford.
Orlando bloom showing of uniqlo’s own brand in its casual ordinary man looks. Ordinary men will look at this or maybe wives and think that they should get it or buy it for there husband as if the quality’s good enough for Orlando bloom then its good enough for them. It will make the customer know there product is high quality and is worth the low prices
position on the product life cycle
Stage Characteristics 1. Market introduction stage 1. costs are very high 2. slow sales volumes to start 3. little or no competition 4. demand has to be created 5. customers have to be prompted to try the product 6. makes no money at this stage
2. Growth stage 1. costs reduced due to economies of scale 2. sales volume increases significantly 3. profitability begins to rise 4. public awareness increases 5. competition begins to increase with a