Moral responsibilities
In the increasing complexity of today’s economy, business more depended on their customers in survivable and profitable operation. Thus, business has responsibilities to customers and satisfies their needs, especially in the area of product safety. From toys to tools, cars to baby cribs, consumer uses countless products every day. They are undesirable that will be harmed or injured by products. For these reasons, society must rely on the conscientious efforts of business to promote consumer safety. This essay will look for four different approaches will are market-oriented, contract, due care and social cost ensure consumer’s safety, and also we will represent business’s moral responsibilities.
The first approach to safety is market-oriented. This approach is based upon a concept of the marketplace in competition. It assumes the beneficent operation of the marketplace through assumption of consumer’s personal decisions making that regarding safety willing. Because consumers only are willing pay for safety, manufacture would respond to meet their safety desired. If manufacture fails to provide desired safety by consumers, they will purchase from other manufactures-competitors. On the other sides, this assumes consumers are rational; information is available and understandable due to no trade regulation in the market currently. Therefore, product safety will closely match consumer demand, and promotes market to provide that consumer demand.
The second approach to safety is contract. In this approach, the consumer- corporation relationship exists in a legal contract. This legal contract refers to moral issue between contractual one. Due to the identification of moral obligations which are equals, no coercion, full relevant disclosure of information and misrepresentation, manufacture is claimed regarding quality, performance, reliability and safety become term of the contract with customer.