Sample Instructions to Analyze for Effectiveness
You are the new Director of Security at Easy to Be Green. You’ve undertaken a review of all the documents used by the security staff, including instructions for carrying out various security procedures. You find a binder that contains sets of instructions that look like the one below. How might you revise these instructions?
8 p.m. security rounds
First set the security cameras for replay when you return. Start on the third floor. Take the elevator there. Unlock each lab, turn on the lights, find the lab checklist on the wall by the door, and check all the equipment listed on the checklist. Turn off any that the checklist indicates should be off. Call Bill Grey if you have questions about any of the equipment. Make sure that there are no supplies on the lab counters; all supplies should be locked in the cabinets unless you have gotten specific instructions otherwise. If an employee is in a lab, note that on the security round sheet. Make sure the venting system is on in each lab. Return the lab checklist, turn out the lights, lock the door, and repeat for each lab. Use the autochecks to check the sprinkler system. Check the restrooms, and call maintenance if any clean-ups are needed. Check all security cameras (see list on clipboard).
Take the stairs to the second floor. Check the stairwell lights and security camera. On the second floor unlock each office door, turn on the lights, and check each office to make sure the windows are locked and that there are no appliances on. Be sure you lock each door. If an employee is in his or her office, note that on the security round sheet (don’t forget to bring this with you, attached to the clipboard that also has round instructions, telephone numbers, and a pen). If anyone else is on the floor, visitors and so forth, please ask them to leave the building. Make sure the copying room at the east end of the