I want to become a professional dancer. There has never been any other option because, I have never thought of doing anything else. Why not live doing the most natural thing for myself to do? Dance is a natural reflex. It is just so natural to move to music. This won’t be an easy career though, on by body or my mind. I will be dancing six days a week, dancing 7-9 hours a day. Never the less, I am 100% willing to experience the joy and pain of being a professional ballet dancer. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”-Confucius. Ballet is not my “job”, it is my vocation for life.
This job is not in high supply, but there is a demand for more dancers. I could be employed in Grand Rapids Michigan. But, I have a good lead in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I will most likely have to move to a much larger city. Only about 5% of dancers who train until they are eighteen actually get employed (Caine). More companies are growing though. Depending on the economy, people are being more interested in ballet. I cannot say that I am saving lives. But, I am living to make someone feel happier or more alive, even if it is just for one performance. Because openings in …show more content…
The more I learn about the life of a dancer I realize how much I want to live that type of life. It will be very hard and it will not just be handed to me. But, I am willing to work the hardest and not stop until I succeed. Being a dancer is a starving art, and I have known this for years. By this I mean, I am aware of the fact that my first paycheck will not be large and I will never buy a Ferrari. I am okay with that. Ballet is the source of my well-being and happiest version of myself. Not many dancers succeed, and I am fully aware of this (Caine). But, given the correct tools, I am going to be one of the ones who