Professional Values for the BSN Student
Complete the worksheet with a substantive response to each prompt.
Define each term using the course textbooks or a peer-reviewed resource.
Describe how you, as a BSN student, demonstrate each value as you interact with patients and other health care providers. Provide specific examples of how your values influence your attitudes and behaviors. Each response must be 100 to 150 words.
|Value |Definition |Personal Demonstration |
|Altruism |Milton (2012) defines altruism as “the principle|I was recently approached by my director and asked |
| |or practice of unselfish concern and devotion to|if I would be willing to help out another unit by |
| |the welfare of others.” |answering their phones and taking doctor’s orders, |
| | |and doing some clerical work for them. I volunteered|
| | |to learn how to give dialysis treatments because the|
| | |unit was having a staffing crunch due to staff being|
| | |off on medical leave, vacations or leaving the |
| | |facility for other employment. I always look out for|
| | |the good of the patient. |
|Autonomy |Skar (2010) states, “Professional autonomy means|As the nursing supervisor, I often find myself |
| |having