The passing of labor laws and company health regulations are considered to be some of the biggest achievements during the progressive era. Workers of coal mining held strikes and petitions for shorter work days, safer working conditions and a better reasonable …show more content…
During the 19th century in the beginning of the progressive era, woman could not own property, sit in juries, or make contracts and they quested for full equality for the right to vote, to higher education, to hold occupational positions and the right to birth control and abortions. In 1869, the Wyoming territory was the first to give women the right to vote, calling themselves the "equality state" (Digital History, First Breakthroughs).Woman's accomplishment of gaining the right to vote marked the first breakthrough for woman's suffrages. Soon after woman became eager to reform education and healthcare. Margret Sanger is a monumental individual during this time as she opened the countries first birth control clinic in 1916, and also convinced the courts that, "The Comstock Act did not prohibit doctors from distributing birth control information and device" (Digital History, Birth Control). Woman suffrage reform during contributed to the passing of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. From this woman gained full and equal rights and became free from