Topics of study: 3 different management structures 1) Functional organization 2) Dedicated Project teams 3) Matrix structure
A good project management system balances the needs of project and organization by defining interface between the two in terms of authority, allocation of resources and eventual integration of project outcomes into mainstream operations.
Reason for failure of Project Management Systems - Projects are unique while organizations designed for continual operations. Structure | Characteristics | Pros | Cons | | | | | 1) Functional | a) Functional Hierarchy b) Each dept responsible for their segment of project c) Commonly used when one functional has dominant role or has dominant stake in project success | a) No change in org. structure b) Flexibility of personnel. Specialists can be assigned temporary work. People can be switched with ease c) In-dept expertise leveraged on small projects which are assigned to dominant department d) Easy post project transition – Professional growth of specialists is assured as normal career paths are maintained | a) Lack of focus – Each dept has own work , proj responsibilities get pushed aside. b) Poor integration across functional units. Specialists concerned with their part not project as a whole c) Slow – slow response time due to circulation of communication through normal channels. Lack of Horizontal , direct communication leads to rework as specialists realize impact after actions are taken d) Lack of ownership – Project seen as additional burden. Not linked to prof dev. | | | | | | | | | 2) Dedicated Teams | a) separate from rest of org b) Full time PM, pulls together specialists c) Seen in industry where projects are dominant, e.g. construction, consulting d) Referred as Projectized Org e) Weak when needs of parent organization are taken into consideration | a) Simple – Only