St. Michael’s College
Iligan City
Presented to:
Mr. Marlo C. Novino
Presented by:
Metillo, Janos Fritz A.
Palisbo, Ruwin John A.
July 15, 2013
I. Executive Summary
A canned jams, packaged dried fruits, producer and marketer named Yummy Company and all their products are made from pure natural exotic tropical juice. The company is in good performance. From the field distribution, marketing, price, imports and exports aspects all are excellent. They also experienced massive expansions to the other part of the Philippines during past two years. They also have a workforce over 1, 200, from the scenario, the regular employees are 900 and about 300 are seasonal or temporary employees. Yummy Company’s workforces are currently non- unionized and its revenue has increased by about 20% in year 2004.
On year 1990, yummy company bought two small companies located in southern. As time goes by, the acquisition did not go smoothly since one of the acquired companies had unionized employees and their human resource was not able to handle the situation. The human resource was not able involved in strategic planning process. As the result of this lack of human resource performance, the company deal several human resource related problems for at least three years, and result to detrimental to employee morale and productivity, with this experience the company’s top management should hire the right person in a certain position so that they could avoid any inevitable situations that they could encounter. However, unionized and non-unionized employees can be considered as the strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that could possibly help nor can be a problem in the past, present or future.
With this particular problems encountered, the human resource management should plan some alternative solutions on how solve the
References: Douglas McGregor D. (1960), THEORY X and THEORY Y