A Research Project
Presented to the class of Prof. Sancho Antipona
To our panelist Prof. Wilhelmina Lopez and Prof. Marie Shiela Malcampo
Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel
In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Course
Communication Arts II
Presented by:
Prado, Jozelina P.
Masangkay, Sarah
Vicente, Jovel and
Alayon, Carlo Angelo
January 22, 2010
There are common situations encountered by teachers with regard to
Students’ school attendance and academic performance, the problem arising
from the situations, and EASE as solution.
Most teachers agree that the problem about students’ leave of absence
Can be minimized more rationally and systematically, if the school has in place,
An alternative program for students who are on leave for justifiable reasons.
EASE was developed by the Bureau of Secondary Education and was adopted
This is one of the strategic components of Dropout Reduction Program (DORP).
EASE is an acronym for Effective Alternative Secondary Education. The
program offers flexible time option to certain students who cannot report to class
during certain seasons of the school year for the various reasons. The program
provides printed self-learning modules for students to use thereby allowing them
to continue their lessons and classroom activities on their own convenient time
(copyright 2009 Bureau of Secondary Education, Dept. of Education, Republic of
the Philippines).
A. Statement of the problem. Realizing the significant effect to the
Students’ of Sapang Palay National High School the Effective Learning
Secondary Education. Specifically, this study aims to answer the question,
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Project EASE? An Effective
Alternative Secondary Education to students’ of SPNHS.
B. Basic assumption. Students’ must respond to the everyday challenges
and demands of family and community life not a hindrances to Education.
C. Importance of the Study. It must be borne in mind that the welfare of
the youth is a perennial responsibility of society.
D. Scope and limitations of the study. This study will cover the Program
Project EASE and the advantages and disadvantages to selected student in
First Year, Second Year, Third Year and Fourth Year.
Review of Related Literature
The Education Department works to lower drop out rates through a more
flexible schooling program. The Effective Alternative Secondary Education
Project, or Project EASE, is a program designed by the Dept. of Education and in
the coordination with the Southeast Asian Ministers for Educational Innovation
and Technology. It targets regular High School students who intermittently miss
classes due to various reasons. Project EASE is not a total replacement for a
regular classes; rather it is designed for studentswhi will only miss a part of the
school year (such as planting and harvesting season)to be able to continue their
Project EASE uses a module based approach-students. They are given
modules to take home and be able to study their lessons outside the classroom.
It was launched in 1997, with the Davao City National High School among the
first pilot schools to implement this program. The program is now available in the
Public High School nationwide, and is now part of the Drop-out Reduction
Program (www.en.wikipilipinas.org/index.php).
Specific objectives are to:
1. Improve the holding power of the school;
2. Strengthen school and family partnership in order to reduce student drop out rate; and
3. Increase students’ capabilities for independent self-managed learning.
Education is a priceless legacy we can bequeath to our children. Through
education their potentials for personal development and nation building are
actualized. Therefore, regardless of age, sex, intelligence, ethnicity socio-
economic status, or religious persuasion everyone must have adequate access
to quality education (by: Ms. Lolita M. Andrada, Dir. IV of Bureau of Secondary
Education, Dept. of Education). Project EASE is one program offered by DEPED
to give importance to our education.
When can I avail of Project EASE?
Project EASE is available anytime during the course of the school year. If
you are a certain about the time when you will be unable to attend regular
classes, it is best that inform your class adviser early in order to avail of
Project EASE.
Who are qualified to avail of Project EASE?
Students who wish to avail of Project EASE must meet the following qualification:
1. A regular students who will be temporarily unable to attend regular classes; 2. A passers of reading and writing ability tests in English and Filipino and the Mathematical ability Test; and 3. A passers of coping ability assessment.
Where is Project EASE offered?
Project EASE is available nationwide. All interested parties may contact
the DORP Coordinator will direct the applicant to the nearest Schools Division
where EASE is offered, In region III Mrs. Miriam E. Adobo.
Management Structure of EASE in SPNHS
EASE program is managed at the school level and support it gets from the
Central Office through the Bureau of Secondary Education, the Regional and
Division Office. The EASE as a DORP intervention is managed through the
DORP Management structure. The school head designates an EASE
Coordinator who will oversee and coordinate all the activities pertinent to the
EASE program. The school head of SPNHS is Dr. Eduardo Cruz and assigned
Mrs. Petronila M. Bunao as EASE Coordinator.
EASE as a DORP intervention is managed through the DORP Management
structure. The school head designates an EASE Coordinator who will oversee
and coordinate all the activities pertinent to the EASE program. The school head
of SPNHS is Dr. Eduardo Cruz and assigned Mrs. Petronila M. Bunao as EASE
Coordinator, through the Bureau of Secondary Education, the Regional and
Division Office. The EASE as a DORP intervention is managed through the
DORP Management structure. The school head designates an EASE
Coordinator who will oversee and coordinate all the activities pertinent to the
EASE program. The school head of SPNHS is Dr. Eduardo Cruz and assigned
Mrs. Petronila M. Bunao as EASE Coordinator.
Here is the organizational chart that shows the management program of Project EASE.
1. EASE is semi-contractual.
2. EASE is distance learning.
3. EASE is a modularized learning.
4. EASE is student-directed and teacher-facilitated.
5. EASE supplements but does replace the regular learning system.
1. Inability of parents/guardians to provide the resources needed by the
2. Students and their willingness to generate resources when necessary.
3. The students’ absence to a certain time limiting his/her education to the
true world of learning in the classroom.
4. Learning by self is not merely enough to learn more outside the
|PROJECT EASE: FIRST YEAR (1997-2010) |(1997-2009) | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|1997 | |17 | |8 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|1998 | |10 | |8 | |SICKNESS | |
|1999 | |14 | |11 | |WORKING | |
|2000 | |8 | |4 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2001 | |15 | |4 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2002 | |10 | |6 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2003 | |11 | |10 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2004 | |9 | |5 | |ILLNESS |
|2006 | |9 | |8 | |PERSONAL PROBLEM |
|2007 | |10 | |7 | |WORKING | |
|2008 | |NO |APPLICANT | | | | |
|2009 | |3 | |3 | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|1999 | |6 | |6 | |MARRIED | |
|2001 | |15 | |4 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2002 | |14 | |9 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2003 | |18 | |15 | |WORKING | |
|2004 | |23 | |10 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2005 | |32 | |16 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2006 | |14 | |9 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2007 | |20 | |14 | |ILLNESS |
|2009 | |2 | |2 | |SEXUAL HARRASSMENT |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|2000 | |16 | |14 | |WORKING | |
|2001 | |22 | |12 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2002 | |0 | |0 | | | |
|2005 | |37 | |23 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEB |PROBLEM |
|2006 | |11 | |6 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2007 | |35 | |26 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2008 | |5 | |3 | |HEALTH | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | |
|2000 | |15 | |9 | |PREGNANT/MARRIED |
|2001 | |29 | |23 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2002 | |0 | |0 | | | |
|2005 | |51 | |37 | |FINANCIAL PROBLEM |
|2006 | |0 | |0 | | | |
|2009 | |11 | |6 | |PREGNANT | |
| | | | |
|LEVEL | | | | | | | |
|FIRST YEAR | |115 | | |74 | |
|SECOND YEAR | |166 | | |99 | |
|THIRD YEAR | |169 | | |97 | |
|FOURTH YEAR | |143 | | |105 | |
| | | | | | | | |
|TOTAL | | |593 | | |375 | |
I therefore conclude that Project EASE is an effective program to reduced
drop-outs in SPNHS because more than half of the students enrolled in the
program since 1997 up to this present passed and they all continue and back in
regular classes. Education is life, not a preparation for life. It should be
concerned with actual problem, issues and concerns of the learner. EASE helps
students respond to the everyday challenges and demands of family and
community life. Education is self- realization of a person’s potentials; the mental,
social, physical and emotional. The school exists for the learners: it is the school
that should adjust itself to meet the learner’s need. The world is a classroom.
Learning can take place anywhere at home, in the workplace, in learning centers.
Learning is continuous progression. Previous knowledge and experiences are
utilized to form new knowledge.