Project constraints delay the start of project activities. Three project constraint need to be considered in scheduling.
1. Technological or Logical Constraints: These constraints show the sequence in which project activities must occur. A project network framing a house might how three activities i-e (1) pour foundation, (2) build frame, (3) cover roof. All of thee three activities are in sequence because each activity depend on previous one. We can say that we cannot perform activity 2 until 1 I completed.
2. Physical Constraints: Physical constraints are in rare situation that cause activities that would normally occur in parallel to be the constrained by environmental condition. For example, renovation of a hip compartment might allow only one person to perform an activity because of pace limitation, the procedures for handling physical constraints are similar to those used for resource constraints.
3. Resource Constraints: A project network planner may assume adequate resources and show activities accruing in parallel because parallel activities hold potential for resource conflict. For example you are planning a wedding reception that includes four activities which are
1) Plan
2) Hire band
3) Decorate hall and
4) Purchase refreshments.
Each activity takes one day. Activity 2, 3 and 4 could be done parallel be different people. Thee activities are not technically dependent on each other. If one person performs all these activities, the resource constraint requires the activity to perform in sequence. So the consequence is delay and the very difficult set of network is shown. Resource dependency takes priority over technical dependency, but does not violate the technical dependency. That is hiring band, decoration and purchase of refreshments are in sequence rather then concurrently but they must be completed before arrival of the guests.
Even in the small projects in interrelationship and interactions