Project Management: The Managerial Process
CHAPTER 1 Modern Project Management What is a project? The project life cycle The project manager The importance of project management
Snapshot from practice: The best wireless phone in the world
Snapshot from practice: The emergence of e.Schwab The evolution of project management systems Project management today-- An integrative approach Integration of projects with the strategic plan Integration within the process of managing actual projects Research Highlights: Chaos: Software Projects Summary Text overview Review questions & exercises Case: South American Adventures Unlimited
CHAPTER 2 Integration of Organization Strategy with Projects Strategic management process: an overview Research highlights: Muddling Absence of a priority system linked to strategy creates problems
Snapshot from practice: The SAS turnaround Project selection and organizational politics Moving to an effective organization priority system A generic selection and priority system Snapshot from practice: Y2K projects Assessing the effectiveness of the priority system: The balanced scorecard model Case study: A detailed selection priority model from practice Summary Review questions & exercises Case: Jarvis Communication Corporation Case: Hector-Gaming Company Case: Project priority system Appendix 1: Roles and responsibilities of key players Appendix 2: Interview questionnaire
CHAPTER 3 Defining the Project
Step 1: Defining the project scope
Snapshot from practice: The project scope statement Step 2: Establishing project priorities Step 3: Creating the work breakdown structure Step 4: Integrating the WBS with the organization Snapshot from practice: Year