I. Title: “Recovering of Drainage”
II. Duration: 3 months
III. Scope: Within the vicinity of the barangay
IV. Status:
This project is new and must be reviewed thoroughly within the council of the barangay and the local government unit.
V. Beneficiary: All the constituents will benefit the said project. It will help the barangay in experiencing floods not only cater the amount of waste carried on the drainages. So this project proposal could be a tool in changing the people’s perception on having such illness when heavy rains approaches in the barangay.
VI. Background:
The flood problems will be easily counteracted because of the easy access to this establishment.
VII. Justification:
This project proposal must be prioritized by the barangay officials to cater the needs of their constituents. It is indeed a great help for the people. This is one way for them to easily access all the programs implemented by the barangay. Unfortunately, some of the resources are lacking, one of those is the recovering of drainages which would contribute a great help to the people. It is universally accepted that having smooth flow on drainages contributes to a clean and safe place when bad instances like typhoons came, so therefore this project must not be taken for granted, for this will not only benefit the people and their family but the community as a whole.
VIII. Objectives:
If approved, this project will be able to:
1. Promote cleanliness and peace among the people in the community.
2. Provide easy access in response to safety problems during emergency cases.
3. Let the people maximize and make use the facilities offered by the barangay.
IX. Description: This project is a joint venture between the local government unit and the barangay council. The barangay council must be able to counterpart and appropriate a certain percent of budget that