IMPLEMENTED BY: Urafiki youth group P.O Box 25-80302 Taveta. Email;
CONTACT PERSO N: Mr. Joseph Hemmed Mob. 0720988767 Email;
CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Joseph Mwambingu Mob.0732567890
TARGET GROUP: Youths aged between 15-35 years.
START TIME: 5th may 2013
END TIME: 30Th April 2014
BUDGET ESTIMATION: ksh. 1,037,500
Three decade of HIV/AIDs in Kenya, the epidemic has entered the mature stage that presents enormous challenges of coping with the devastating social and economic impact in addition to the high HIV prevalence rates in some regions/ Taveta constituency being one among them.
The sickness, deaths and high infection rate of productive people has created a dent in all development efforts at households, community, regional and national level. Urafiki youth group has taken an initiative to work with the government and other stakeholders in bringing fidelity and abstinence education to youths in Taveta constituency as an initiative to deal with the epidemic.
Urafiki youth group a voluntary membership group in Taveta constituency was formed with aim of empowering the youth in health, education and development issues. Its aim is to see the youths are well empowered and safe from HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases through installation of virtues of abstinence and fidelity through this project.
We are seeking financial support to execute this project. A minimum amount of Kshs will be essential to achieve reduction of HIV/AIDS prevalence in Taveta constituency by 35% within a period of one year we would be in this project.
Urafiki youth group is a community based organization registered with the government of Kenya by the ministry of Gender and Children Affairs. The organization was registered in 2006, registration number P237/2006. Since then it has been actively participating in youth related empowerment and educating programs. The organization was formed mainly to focus on youth’s development agenda in various aspects for self empowerment, protection from HIV/AIDS infection, accessing job opportunities and furthering education levels.
The organization is based in Taveta town, Taveta district in Taita Taveta County. Their operation revolves around the whole of Taveta constituency. Its funding is usually by government and other private agencies who share our visions.
The running of its activities is usually done by its registered members who are willing and available during a given project and have training in the required field. This is through the supervision of the executive members who comprises of; Chairperson, secretary, treasurer and project coordinator who are elected annually during annually general meeting by simple majority votes.
Taveta constituency is one of the four constituencies in Taita Taveta County, found on the southern part o the country. It’s a semi-arid region with people from various ethnic groups.
The major economic activities are farming and trade. Majority of people are young people between the age15- 35 years (75% of the whole population as indicated by 2009 census). There are higher rate of sexually transmitted diseases which include HIV/AIDS in the region as hospital record shows. There are usually 200- 300 cases reported every month which is higher compared to what government of Kenya had planned to achieve by the year 2013 (65 cases). It is in this line Urafiki self help group came up to work to on this issue together with other partners who may be available.
For the past 6 years Urafiki youth group has managed to reach several youths in sex education and other responsible sexual behavior. It has worked through organizing seminars, public lecturers, peer education, distribution of condoms and other relevant literature material. Through a survey conducted by Wananchi researchers (2011/2012) when we had a HIV/AIDS awareness project, it was found that HIV/AIDS awareness in that year increased by 20% in the region.
The government of Kenya has identified the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a significant threat to population health, economic development and social order. The government considers prevention and control efforts as investment in the national’s future socio-economic wellbeing and as evidence of Kenya’s commitment to the international efforts to reduce spread of HIV/AIDS. It also considers youth as priority target group for successful national development and recognize youth vulnerability in relation to HIV/AIDS.
In recent years (since 2010) the spread of HIV/AIDS has increased from 5% in 2010 to 12% in January 2013, in Taveta constituency as reports obtained from the hospitals and ministry of health. It is in this nature of current epidemic that Urafiki youth group has undertaken its consultations and prepared this document.
The main aim of the project is to reduce HIV/AIDS spread in Taveta constituency. This will be done through spreading of tangible awareness and adoption of safe sexual behavior among the high risk population
The specific objectives include; 1. To build community approach for consciousness to adopt safer sex practices and avoid sex befor marriage. 2. To build social awareness on HIV/AIDS in target group. 3. To build social awareness about sexually transmitted diseases. 4. To train and certify 3-6 counselors in each village.
Trained members of the group will be assigned the responsibility of conducting this project under the guidance of technical experts. The activities will include; * Constitution of the task force * Rapport building with the target population * Training of technical staff and counselors. * Baseline survey for situational analysis * Sensitization of opinion leaders i.e. chiefs, village elders and religious leaders * Awareness camps to encourage seeking behavior for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. * Skills building workshops for peer counselors. * Street and public plays * Monitoring and evaluation meetings for performance.
EXPECTED OUTCOME * Increase in awareness level between 45%-55% of baseline survey * Cooperation of peer educators and target group * Better understanding among the target group through education material produced under communication strategy and plan. * Outreach activities will communicate the message of abstinence and fidelity to less aware youths in most rural areas in the region * Reduction in new cases of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS by 35%-45%.
MECHANISM OF MEASURING THE OUTCOME a) Baseline survey. b) Percentage of youths engaged in irresponsible behavior during post project survey. c) Awareness level knowledge test in the region. d) Number of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS cases recorded in hospitals. e) Number of certified counselors.
WORK SCOPE TIME | ACTIVITY | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Constitution of the task force | x | | | | Rapport building with the target population | x | x | | | Training of technical staff and counselors | | x | x | | Baseline survey for situational analysis | x | | | | Sensitization of opinion leaders i.e. chiefs, village elders and religious leaders | x | x | x | x | Awareness camps to encourage seeking behavior for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. | x | x | x | x | Skills building workshops for peer counselors. | | | x | | Street and public plays | | x | | x | Monitoring and evaluation meetings | | | | | * Develop and implement project monitoring | x | | | | * Conduct monthly review with partners | x | x | x | x | * Conduct mid-term review with government agency | | x | | | * Conduct final evaluation | | | | x | * Project expansion | | | | x |
Project monitoring system will be developed at the beginning of the project with the mutual consultation with the government’s funding agent. The responsibility of the project monitoring will lie on project coordinator. The mid-term evaluation will also be carried out by external evaluators from the government to assess the progress and the outcome would be helpful in re-planning. During the project period regular input from the government will be desirable for enhancing achievement of purpose and objectives.
BUDGET ITEAM | QUANTITY | UNIT COST (KSH.) | AMOUNT (KSH.) | AMOUNT(U.S $)(1$=KSH. 85) | Training cost( 1 week every month different group) | 100 people | 100 | 10,000 | 117.65 | * Mid-break tea | | | | | * Lunch | 100 people | 150 | 15,000 | 176.47 | * Allowances | 100 people | 2,000 | 200,000 | 2352.94 | * Facilitators fee | 10 people | 10,000 | 100,000 | 1176.47 | * Facilitators meals | 10 people | 1,000 | 10,000 | 117.65 | * Hiring hall | 84 days | 5,000 | 126,000 | 1482.35 | Training material | 10 | 500 | 5,000 | 58.82 | * Flip chart | | | | | * Writing pad | 30 | 30 | 900 | 10.59 | * Marker pens | 10 | 30 | 300 | 3.53 | * Masking tape | 10 | 30 | 300 | 3.53 | Program cost | 12people | | 40,000 | 470.59 | * Mobilization and database production | | | | | * Baseline survey | 12people | | 20,000 | 235.29 | * Cameras and projectors | | | 50,000 | 588.23 | * Transport | 10motorbikes | 10,000 | 100,000 | 1176.47 | * Fuel maintenance | 12 months | 10,000 | 120,000 | 1411.76 | * Monitoring and evaluation | 12 months | 20,000 | 240,000 | 2823.53 | TOTALS | | | | | |
Financial reporting will be done on quarterly basis, after every three months there will be review of the amount used and what was projected for activities in that period.
The progress of the project will be reviewed on monthly basis. This will be after every month evaluation which will be give results of what we have targeted, what we have achieved and what to improve.
The ownership of the project will be based on the community. The activities are directly linked to the people. The activities like training of counselors will provide a strong platform in achieving project objectives. The project will also impact the non-targeted people, this will enable people to raise knowledge towards epidemic and change behavior towards sex practices.