Now the question arises what proves the reality of this very haunting world?
They do exist because of several reasons such as there is too many reports of ghosts across the world, there are perhaps billions of people who had seen ghosts in the history of mankind.
Moving on, the following proves that the ghosts are scientific too. When we deal with the paranormal phenomena that are associated with ghost existence, we cannot only rely on the explanations based on the understanding of the logical thinking that is related to the physical law, but we also need to see it from the perspective of quantum reality. Science is ment to investigate things not deny them, they say ghosts do not exist, this is exactly what the churches of old did to people living in the past, they told that the world was flat, while science had proven that idea wrong. Likewise science also proves the existence of ghosts. For instances, Many ghost hunters say they can detect the electric fields created by ghosts. And while it's true that the metabolic processes of humans and other organisms actually do generate very low-level electrical currents, these are no longer generated once the organism dies but still they find the electric fields around the deads. Many ghost hunters believe that strong support for the existence of ghosts can be found in modern physics. Specifically, that Albert Einstein, one