Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
6 Weeks
-Reflexes including sucking, grasping, rooting, ‘moro’
-when pulled to sitting, the child shows considerable head lag but shows some ability to raise the head
-the child is able to raise his chin off the couch momentarily -Turns head and may stop crying on hearing an adult and a familiar voice.
-Begins to coo
Cry to make their needs known.
-making small grunty noises
-will mouth at you and blow bubbles when you look at them and talk
Will feel happy/ secure when cuddled/nursed
-excitement and interest if you hold your face close to theirs
-loves skin-to-skin contact and tickles
-Cry to make needs known
-Will smile at a face.
-Begin to understand they exist separate to their carer.
3 Months
-Watches hands and plays with fingers
-Clasps and unclasps hands
-Can hold a rattle for a moment
-Lifts head and chest up
-Waves arms and brings hands together over body
-Recognises familiar routines such as bath time
-Enjoys playing in water
- Turns head to sound
-Will suck lips when as sounds of feed
- Smiles
- Reacts happy to familuar situations
- Stares at parent or carer when being fed
- Enjoys a bath and other routine activities
-Smiles, acts happy in familiar situations
-Cries when alone
-Likes being held and played with indiscriminate attachments
6 Months
-Can move objects from one hand to another
-Can sit with minimal support
-Can roll over from tummy to back
-Can hold head steady in a supported sitting position
-Pushing themselves up on arms when on belly
-Piviot body when on belly
-Sit momentarily when leaning on hands
-Manipulates objects attentively
-Forgets about toy if hidden
-More alert now and eagerly watches people in the room
- Babbles using sing song vowel sounds or single and double sylables
- Friendly with strangers on most occasions
- Loves 'Rough and