During the last decades, the increase of obesity and eating disorders has tripled among young children. Therefore the topic of our assignment is how to promote healthy eating in children and centres. During our work term internship we noticed that the meals offered were not healthy food. The issue regarding healthy and nutrition in child care centres is important because it is very concerning that in a decade children have become very unhealthy. They prefer to eat meals that are not nutritious. As stated above in our work term we notice the food that was often given was oily and fried. As leaders in the field we have to make ECE’s and other adults more aware of how important it is for children to remain health. It is important for educators in centers to promote healthy habits in younger children because child obesity has increased by 10 percent in children ages from 2-5 and 15 percent in children ages 6-19. (Haschke, B. 2003) .Also the impact this will have if resolved is that children will be that having good nutrition will have a positive impact on the wellbeing, growth and development of children.
There were two methods used to collect information for this project. The first method was to retrieve the centre’s menu to examine. We were able to obtain one menu that was used for that week. This menu included both the lunches and snacks served for that one week. After we had gotten access to a menu from the centre we used it to compare with the recommended number of food guide servings per day. The other method we used was going into the centre and conducting an observation. The purpose of the observation was to see if the centre did follow the menu and how they were promoting healthy and nutrition. On Friday October 19, 2012 we as a group both Faizah and Khoulah went to X child care center to observe what food the center serves and prepares for the children. We had arrived at the center early in the morning at 8am and left at 2:30pm.