Promoting Good Health
Part A
Approaches to Health Promotion
What is Health Promotion? ‘Health promotion is the process of enabling people to exert control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. As a concept and set of practical strategies it remains an essential guide in addressing the major health challenges faced by developing and developed nations, including communicable and non-communicable diseases and issues related to human development and health.’ HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank"
What the work involves?
Health promotion staff work at a number of levels from face to face contact with individuals, groups and communities to more strategic work such as policy development. The work is much more than simply advising or persuading individuals to make lifestyle changes and includes:
Organisation development – developing organisations to be more health promoting e.g. In schools, workplaces and hospitals.
Community development – developing communities to9 be more health promoting e.g. neighbourhoods, cultural communities and communities of interest.
Strategy development – developing a strategic approach to improving health and ensuring that local, regional and national policies that can affect public health do so in a health promoting way.
Personal development – developing the personal, social and emotional skills and abilities of people in order for them to maximise their own