JC1 Promotional Examinations
Revision Package 2011
Section A: Case Studies
1. 2007 TPJC Prelims H1 Paper CSQ1: China’s Water Woes
2. 2007 GCE A-Level Paper H1 CSQ1: International Tourism (covered in Lecture)
3. 2008 CJC Prelims H1 Paper CSQ1: The Illegal Drug Market
4. 2009 RVHS Year 5 End of Year Exams Paper CSQ1: Challenges of the Agricultural Sector
Section B: Essays
1. 2006 SAJC H1 Final Exams: Application of Demand and Supply – Price Control
2. 2008 SRJC H1 Prelims: Market Failure
3. 2008 A Levels H2 Essay: Elasticity of DD and SS
4. 2009 PJC H1 Prelims: Theory of DD and SS, Price Elasticity of DD and SS and Market Failure
5. 2009 HCI H1 Prelims: Market Failure
6. 2009 YJC H1 Prelims: How the Macroeconomy Works – Key Economic Indicators and National Income Accounting
Section A: Case Studies
Answers to the Case Studies
Case Study 1:
Answers to 2007 TPJC Prelims H1 Paper CSQ1
(a)(i) Compare the percentage of the coverage of urban water supply with that of rural water supply in China from 1990 to 2015. [2]
• Coverage of urban water supply is expected to fall slightly from 100% in 1990 to the projected 98% in 2015 [1] while coverage of rural water supply is expected to rise steeply from 59% in 1990 to 85% in 2015. [1]
(a)(ii) Is water a public good? Justify. [2]
Excludability [1] • For a resource such as water from river, stream or underground water, it is non-excludable. It is too costly and almost impossible to restrict the benefits to those who pay for them (this is only in the case of water which runs across areas like the Mekong River - which cuts across countries/Yangtze River – cuts across different states). It is available, free of charge to anyone who wants to use them. OR
• However, water in cities, provided by the state municipality, is excludable. Households or plants can