The hotel is more to the theme hotel but the unique of this hotel is each room has a different character, whether it is the “Padded Room” where everything is upholstered with green leather or “Two Lions” where guests get to choose between sleeping in elevated cages or a twin bed down below.
Example hotel in Malaysia as we can see like Sunway Hotel and Resort. They making a cowboy theme, arabian theme and others but the Propeller Island City Lodge making unusual theme where they want to attract the boring tourist with their room. Only those who dare to be different will make a difference. They success to build a theme hotel which attractive for guest to try.
Although it might seem surprising, because the specificity of this unique accommodations, Propeller Island City Lodge representatives have the legal obligation to provide information about how to use each room. Also, when booking are advised to choose a maximum of 3 rooms, because of the large number of requests. Furthermore, the guest have to pick their accommodations carefully. So this will make the guest feel more secure and the equipment might not be damaged. In addition they still have the disadvantage where the guest have to be careful with the item in the hotel for example some of the materials are a lot more sensitive than usual, the plexiglass is easily scratched, as are the dark and intense wall-colours when you slide your bags upon them. Also when they always keep receiving guest frequently they have to take really carefully their equipment for longer period. All this kind of thing will take a lot of cost to the hotel.
For conclusion is to attract more guset in
References: Borgobello, (April 13, 2012), Could this be the world 's creepiest hotel?, Retrieved from