By: Lina Magdy Mahmoud Anwar
ID: 111281
Under the supervision of:
Dr. Samaa Attai |
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
1.1 Background 3
1.2 Literature Review 4 Bibliography 6
1. Introduction
As consumers became more conscious and aware about brands and advertising, it became hard to compete in the market. Companies use many techniques in advertising and one of them is celebrity endorsement; which is considered to be a strong technique used. Endorsing celebrities in the advertisements can make a brand stronger or weaker. Endorsing a celebrity in one or two campaigns can formulate a strong image about the brand. Brand image is one of the most affected factors by advertisements and celebrity endorsement; because celebrities are then considered to be the image of the brand itself (Stadtler, 2010).
A celebrity joining several campaigns is not the only problem, celebrities scandals may also contribute in a campaign failure. Consumers are highly influenced by celebrities and especially teenagers they sometimes copy their behaviour or lifestyle. Therefore, they are also affected by their scandals and it may reflect to despising the brand (Till & Shimp, Spring, 1998). Other consumers disliked a celebrity before showing in the campaign which reflected in disliking the brand itself; or they may like a brand because of a specific celebrity they adore.
2.1 Background
As stated before celebrity endorsement is very important in marketing today; and as celebrity scandals increases and affects the companies, most of the international companies started using scandal management to avoid those scandals. Moreover, as communication tools increased and became very easy, celebrity scandals are published instantly to the world; therefore, this
Bibliography: Hurmerinta, L., & Halonen-Knight, E. (2010). Who endorses whom? Meanings transfer in celebrity endorsement. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19(6), 452 - 460. Keller, K. L. (2008). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity (Third Edition ed.). Hanover, New Hampshire, United States: Pearson. Meenaghan, T. (1995). The role of advertising in brand image development. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 4(4), 23-34. Stadtler, R. (2010). Celebrity Scandals and their imapct on Brand image: A study among young consumers. Guildford, Surrey : GRIN. Till, B. D., & Shimp, T. A. (Spring, 1998). Endorsers in Advertising: The Case of Negative Celebrity Information. Journal of Advertising, 27(1), 67-82. Wilbur, N., Goddard, L., & White, D. W. (2009). The effects of negative information transference in the celebrity endorsement relationship. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(4), 322-335.