The biosensor research has blossomed into a mature and highly active field over the past 20 years, mutually in the laboratory and in the business-related district, attract huge attention due to the pledge of holdings for vital aspects of the human life. The wished-for work aims to engineer a capacitive biosensor, which will be able to perform label-free and fast electrochemically immune-detection based on very small biological samples. This grant will allow the researcher to transfer knowledge to the European community and reintegrate as a permanent researcher in Romanian actual problems. With all the health issues and problems faced all over the world today, it is but highly essential that authorities should be able to provide ways on how these can be solved. The victuals can be considered one of the basic necessities of people, in this consider, people should be concerned that they only eat healthy and nutritious foods to shun being ill. These are still not given enough attention by people and most are being victims of diseases and illnesses that come from eating foods, specifically those processed foods that can be bought instantly in groceries and restaurants. The relevance consist in considering biosensors also heightens because of the incidences of the contaminated water,meats and foods among restaurants and grocery stores.
For that reason, the in progress practice for preventing microbial illness largely depends on the careful control of different kinds of pathogenic bacteria in food and water safety as well as environmental monitoring. In the food processing sectors, the biotechnology are targeting the selection as well as the enhancement of microorganisms with the goal of enhancing the process control, yield as well as efficiency and also the safety, quality and consistency of bioprocesses food products. Microbe also known as microorganisms are generic terms for the group of living organisms that
References: Andrea, M et al (2007). Poroussilicon biosensor for detection of viruses Elsevier,2007 Ivnitski, D et al (2000). Application of Electrochemical Biosensors for Detection of Food Pathogenic Bacteria. Electroanalysis, Volume 12 Issue 5, Pages 317 – 325