Have you been considering bariatric surgery to aid in your weight loss efforts? Then there are a few things you should know…
So first of all, Why bariatric surgery?
Currently, weight loss surgery is the most effective and sustainable treatment option for severe obesity as long as the individual is motivated to make the lifestyle changes required. Obesity is a major health problem because of its serious health consequences including: increased mortality risk, and associated social, psychological and economic costs. Presently, bariatric surgery is the only available treatment for morbidly obese individuals that consistently achieves and maintains substantial weight loss, decreases the incidence and severity of obesity-related comorbidities, and improves overall quality and length of life.
Who is a candidate?
Based on the National Institutes of Health, individuals with a BMI greater than 40 or 35 if obesity related health issues exist. If an individual has a BMI of as low as 30 and currently has diabetes, that person is also a candidate. Individuals who are psychologically stable and able to make diet and exercise changes to achieve long-term success after surgery are candidates. Lastly, individuals must have previously tried and failed other weight loss regimens.
What types of Bariatric surgery are there? There are several options for you:
Gastric bypass is the most common in the United States. It restricts food intake, promotes selective malabsorption, and the development of dumping syndrome, which is set off by simple sugars. This trains the body to eat certain foods and stay away from others. Gastric bypass has a weight loss average of 65% for most patients with over 85% of patients losing and maintaining 50% initial excess weight loss. Mortality rates are approximately 0.1% and serious early complication rates are 5%. Long-term issues with fat malabsorption, protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies are relatively