There are only two levels, but it is extremely important to know what they mean. A Coroner Investigator I is a flexible position and may advance with a satisfactory probationary period to become coroner investigator II. After successfully completing the Special Requirements and gaining experience and knowledge of the legal codes pertaining to Coroner's cases, staff is expected to qualify for promotion to Coroner's Investigator II within one year (Coroner's Investigator I - Human Resources - Alameda County.). A coroner does not need, as much schooling as a medical examiner, but it is available to be appointed to a medical examiner if you have graduated from medical school. A doctrine degree gives you a higher chance of receiving a promotion to chief medical examiner. The longer and more experienced medical examiner will most likely be elected as chief. Because this job is to identify the cause and reasoning for death this career is very important. Every one dies and those left behind need an answer to why and that is. This is the medical examiners job. However, because it is a small occupation, the fast growth will result in only about 3,800 new jobs over the 10-year period (Summary.). Every year technology advances, accounting for a major work growth making the job significantly easier and more conclusive. States having just a state medical examiner is a more advanced system than having it by the county. With this system, medical examiners are more experienced, but cause less jobs in this field. The future of a coroner’s job will be beneficial to them for deaths are a general aspect of life. Deaths including suicides, homicides, and accidents happen multiple times of the average day. Computers will advance that will be able to analyze paper work with few notes medical examiners manually put in. Although there will be lost jobs because coroner offices are being cut down to two…