think it helps.
Today’ssociety has changed so much through media and internet. People killing peoplebecause of their race or beliefs when they never got the chance to know them or knowwhat they’ve been through. People should be colorblind because they might the seethat we are all the same and that everyone is not bad. Not saying that there aren’t somebad ignorant people out there, but not everyone is the same. Just because someone
Qualls2believes something different from what someone else might believe doesn’t make thema bad person, just means that everyone has their own freedom to believe what theywant. The people who do the bad in the world gets praised for their stupidity rather thanget the punishment that they deserve. The problem with people being colorblind to raceis that white people never have the disadvantages that black people would have so theyjust ignore racism. When it comes to talking about it they give
their opinion and wonderwhy people get offended cause they don’t know what its like to be a minority in todayssociety. “Colorblindness has helped make race into a taboo topic that polite peoplecannot openly discuss. And if you can't talk about it, you can't understand it, much lessfix the racial problems that plague our society.”Secondly, people don’t get to choose their race so don’t judge people becausethey have a different background than you. Put yourself in their shoes to see how theyfeel on a daily basis to know that they are scared of what people will say or do. Don’tjudge people for having scholarships and grants you don’t know their financial situation,everyone doesn’t have the same opportunity as others but at least they are going tocollege to make a better life for themselves. Being scared of people you haven’t met isnormal, but treating them like you know them or like they aren’t human is not right andnot respectful to them. Yes we should be colorblind because maybe it will changepeople and they will see that we are all the same. People should not fear each other,but love each other through their hard times.Lastly, We should not be running away from racial issues because it will onlymake things worse than they already are. We should be trying to fix the racial tensionand that we have going on in the world because if we don’t there will only be more
Qualls3violence and the people who are innocent will get hurt. We should be ignoring the factthat there are innocent people getting hurt and killed, because there are ignorant peoplewho were raised differently and acting upon their beliefs not thinking of the outcome.People are setting bad examples for the children of todays society. We should settingan better example for children.We should be focused on making this a better world and addressing the badthings that go on and stop pretending that there’s nothings happening. We should becolorblind to race because who else will stop all the crime, violence, and racism in theworld if we don’t work together?