There is a common misconception that, in order to lose the maximum amount of pounds, you need diet pills or some miraculous weight loss formula. The truth is that you have to learn control over your hunger. This is simple to do, all it takes is some practice.
There are a few tricks that you can employ to help deal with hunger pains. Chewing gum helps to trick your mind into thinking that you are eating. It has been scientifically proven that jaw movements make your …show more content…
Dehydration is a common problem for those who try harsh starvation methods to start losing weight fast. Also, filling up most of your stomach with water will help you feel fuller longer. Also, sometimes when you feel “hungry” it is really just your body telling you that you need some delicious, high-quality H2O. Some other signs your body may use to tell you it s thirsty are headaches, migraines, and tiredness.
Also, don’t think that if you drink lots of other drinks that you are getting enough hydration. Carbonated beverages, alcohol, tea, energy drinks, etc. do not provide you or your body with the nutrients that you need. Some of these can actually dehydrate you further. If you do not enjoy the taste of water, try squeezing some lemon in it or adding a pouch of Crystal Light.
When dieting you also need to watch out for acidosis. This is caused by consuming too many acidic drinks or foods. Coffee, red meats, chicken, and dairy all have high amounts of acid in them. If you eat a lot of these kinds of foods, it is important that you balance it out with foods and beverages that are alkaline, like fruits, veggies, and