The human body is composed of millions of cells, which contain DNA inside of each one. DNA comes together to form genes which tell the body how it should develop, and it is important to know about diseases and traits you can get from your parents. Genetic Testing is a good thing because people can find out if they have a certain gene mutation. Advantages are more important than the disadvantages of Genetic Teating. Advantages of Genetic Testing include faster treatment because if you find out early enough you might be able to get help before it gets too bad. It can give piece of mind to find out that you do not have the gene for a centain disease, but if they do find it the person can get the help …show more content…
Developmental delays like lags in physical, mental, and emotiional growth can be determined. If a woman has two or more miscarriages, genetic testing can help with treatment options. Also, pregnancy over age 34 can have genetic risks. The risk of having a miscarriage or a baby with Down Syndrome is slightly higher the older a woman gets. (Mathiessen, September 2014). Genetic testing is the only way to make an accurate diagnosis. A definite diagnosis can be a great relief to patients and families, especially if they have been searching for the answer for a long time. Making an accurate diagonis can save a patent’s life if there are treatments available. It can help doctors choose the best therapy, and it can be useful for future family planning if couple’s are worried about having children. Some people carry a mutation and it doesn’t affect them, but there is a risk for their children to be affected. Some people argue that Genetic Testing might cause emotional trauma. Finding out if you have a gene for a certain disease can be helpful even if it causes emtional trauma.It may cause people to get very worried if they don’t know the results. In very few cases, the testing procedure might cause a miscarriage. Genetic testing can help doctors decide which treatment option is best. You might feel bad if you pass on diseases to your children, so if you do the testing you can make a decision about having