involved in the gadget world. Ultimately Renee claims that “iGen” generation is in ahead
of every other generation and lead their own way for their future.
After 3 years of being a college professor a highly discussed magazine “Lament for the
iGeneration” by Gregory Levey was published and Renee interpreted it as they are in
the hands of next generation. After 7 years of teaching she hate to give a speech on
switching off the phone and pay attention to class but she is also scared students might
not get the main part of lesson if they stayed in their phone. She also says that
“iGeneration multi-task very well and that the cynicism surrounding the iGeneration …show more content…
All crazy attachment of tech is messing with ‘social’ part of their
brain. Renee conclude that “tech attached brain studies and commentaries reach are
overwhelmingly scary”. Gary Small in “iBrain: Surviving the technological alteration of
the modern mind” conclude that “Beside influencing how we think, digital tech is
alternating how we feel, we behave and the way our brain function”. Which he co-wrote
with his wife in 2008 “As the brain evolves and shifts its focus toward new technological
skills, it drifts away from fundamental social skills, such as reading facial expression
during a conversation or grasping emotional context during a subtle gesture”.
iGeneration techno brains are turning people into socially inept robots but on the other
hand there are studies that shows that they are fantastic collaborators and fearless
about pushing buttons- literally and figuratively.
“This generation is known for its innovation and creativity”, “iGeneration doesn’t get
stuck in the old gen’s static world” says Kovary. iGeneratin looks for the next best
update, they’ve assumed that there is no need to wait until things are perfect,